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Over 65 and already on Medicare

Many things could have changed since you last signed up for Medicare. 


  • You may find that there is a better rate for you Medicare Supplement.

  • You may be interested in a Medicare Advantage Plan.

  • Your prescription drugs may have changed, and you may want to see the Part D plans that are available to you.


If you could change one thing about your current plan what would it be?

The Contract

Medicare Supplements

There May Be a New Plan that Better Fits Your Needs

You May have noticed that your Medicare Supplement premiums have been going up over the last couple of years.  You are allowed to change your Medicare Supplement Plan anytime of the year as long as you can pass the underwriting on the application.

Signing Contract

Medicare Advantage

Wyoming is Starting To Get More Medicare Advantage Plans

Many people call me about Medicare Advantage plans, because they are advertised so much on T.V.  Wyoming is limited on the plans they have to offer, but you may find one that meets your needs.  Most people will need to wait until the Annual Election Period (Oct. 15 - Dec. 7) to signup for one of these plans.

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Part D

Prescription Drug Plans

It is a good idea to check your prescription drug plans every year to make sure your in a plan that meets your needs.  Not only can your medication change from year to year, but these drug plans also can change from year to year.  Most people can change their Part D plans during the Annual Election Period (Oct. 15 - Dec,. 7) unless they qualify for a special enrollment.

Jobe Horsley (307) 461-5555

©2025 by Golden Meadowlark Insurance.

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